Karen Swim

Writer, Marketer, Woman of Purpose

Will Your Story Be Written?

“No one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality.” — Napoleon Hill

I was so inspired by this story that I shared it on Facebook and wrote about it in my newsletter today. This young woman is nothing short of remarkable in my book. Yet, as I read her story I pondered all the wonderful stories I’ve heard of those who overcame adversity, obstacles and impossibilities to reach their dreams. Thomas Edison, Helen Keller, Wilma Rudolph, Larry Page and Sergey Brin and so many others.

We can all list long names of those who inspire us not to give up. But what about the stories that never get written, the ones we will never read? There are many more people who fall prey to “three fee from gold syndrome” whose tales will never be known. The “would have been’s” who gave up after one or several attempts.

How will you know what you can accomplish if you give up when the results are not immediate? We all have a choice to fight for what we really want or walk away when we fail or it gets too hard. We can be among the millions with unwritten story or we can be courageous enough to be remarkable in whatever way we choose.

Posted via web from Marketing, Musings and More from Karen Swim

May 24, 2010 - Posted by | Uncategorized

1 Comment »

  1. Karen,

    Thank you for posting this. Quiana’s story brought tears to my eyes.

    Although my accomplishments will never equal hers or the other great people you mentioned, I plan to keep on persevering, with God’s help.

    Comment by Lillie Ammann | May 25, 2010 | Reply

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